Yesterday afternoon was the best day ever!!! I can't explain with words how happy and exited I still am because of this event.
Their concert at Webster Hall was really really amazing!!!
The line outside was big and to get a good spot I had to be there at noon. waiting for many hours was totally worthy.
since i was really in front on the barricades i was able to get a really good view of the girls. I could see them peeking from the upper room which was a small room with tiny windows cover with curtains.
When the girls came out the audience started screaming and we were all very exited. because i wanted to enjoy the show i didn't take any pictures, I placed my bag on the other side of the barricade so I can just enjoy the show.
This is the track list
0. Overture
1. 会いたかった
2. Baby!Baby!Baby!
3. 涙サプライズ!
4. 渚のチェリー
5. ByeByeBye
6. 雨の動物園
7. 嘆きのフィギュア
8. Blue rose
9. 僕の太陽
10. BINGO!(English ver.)
11. 大声ダイヤモンド(English ver.)
12. ひこうき雲
13. 桜の花びらたち
14. 言い訳Maybe
15. 10年桜
16. 大声ダイヤモンド(English ver.)
17. ひこうき雲
I took this from yuko's and Acchan's blog

Anime Festival Pictures

I took these pictures with my phone so they might not be good quality.
Picture of the autograph

At the autograph signing the girls were really nice.
Acchan- she looks so much beautiful in person. Her skin is whiter than i though and she's way smaller than i though.
she's one of the thinest one. I was kinda disappointed with her because she was like a robot. her emotions were so fake and she was saying the same thing to everybody. : ( she seemed too full of herself. I still love her i mean i can't dislike someone so beautiful like her but it was kinda a huge down.
Kojiharu- This girl was really sweet. she seem very down to earth but she seems dumb. she looks just like she looks on tv really there is no difference.
Sae- This girl is like a goddess. After seeming her face to face i dont even like her pictures anymore. she's so beautiful that I was really surprise, i mean i knew she was beautiful but i didn't expect her to so god damn gorgeous. she was so nice and friendly. I don't know how to explain it.... it was like if her aura was shinning and she look as if she was sparkling. There was something so enchanting about her. I'm officially in love with her.
Yuko- I don't know how to explain this but i was kinda frozen when I got to her. shocked by her beauty i was left speechless and all i could said was "how are you?" she was too freaking cute. her eyes are so big and brown that i was melting. while she was signing her autograph i told her that she was my number one, she was so happy. I gave her a little present. It was a winnie the pooh plush. she was really exited and she said it was cute. I was so happy. yuko is amazing!!!
Sayaka- She was the so friendly and caring. I totally fell inlove with this girl. she notice my nails and she said she liked them. i was really happy i mean she noticed such detail, that shows that she notices her fans and that she cares for them. I wanted to pay more attention to her but i was still too exited about yuko.
Takamina- She was so cool, nice, genki, cute, pretty So many words to express how amazing takamina was. she was so happy and she's really more beautiful in person. i told her Daisuki!!! and she was really exited.
that was the best weekend ever.